The solution to  our problems is trivial,

Procedures, by which we may Expel and Punish the corrupt !!!

cropped rrp site identity logo.jpg

India lacks laws of Right To Recall , Jury System, Referendums, Direct & multi-elections, the only ways to reduce  Poverty, Corruption and  Crimes .

We aim to bring these very laws so that India’s problems can be vastly reduced.

Citizen empowerment can happen only when laws of Right to recall, Jury System, Elections by Ballot paper, TCP are given to them . Not otherwise.


RRP in Elections !!


Recallists campaign in Delhi !

Numerous pamphlets were distributed in Delhi by RRP activists for upcoming Vidhan Sabha elections to be held on 2nd February

Demo of EVM VVPAT vote stealing in Maharashtra

Activists working for EVM Hatao agendaa gave demo in Maharashtra which was attended by many citizens and dignitaries. 

Appeal For Contributions !

RRP requires funds for printing distributing pamphlets during elections. We request all contributors to please send contributions to our printer at
name : Media King
bank : Union Bank Of India
acc# : 373601010055468
IFSC : UBIN0537365
Branch code : 537365

Thereafter, Citizens are requested to send monetary contributions directly to the candidates. The contributions you send to candidates will be used to cover the advertisement expenses such as printing of pamphlets and banners so that the agenda reaches to as many people as possible.


For  full list of  proposed Law Drafts please see: 

RRP’s Proposed Law Drafts(English)

RRP’s Proposed Law Drafts(Hindi)

 All Law Drafts


  • MRCM – Khanij Munafa Bantwara Kanoon


  • Jury Trials – abolish Judges System , implement Jury System .


  • TCP – Public Opinion Gathering  , Complaints & Proposals Filing System .


  • Abolish GST, all forms Sales/ VAT  Taxes


  • Apply Empty Land tax -1 % wealth tax on empty properties to reduce Land  Hoarding and hence inflation.


  • Ending Mauritius (/Singapore/Fiji etc Double Taxation Treaties) treaty and FDIs.


  • Banning EVMs ( + VVPATS)


  • Improving Military


  • Improving Education


  • Improving Local manufacturing


  • Improving Police Force


  • Reducing Social Evils such as Dowry, etc


  • Banning Cow Slaughter


  • Ending Bangladeshi infiltration.

The Mineral wealth and Govt Land  of the country belongs equally to each and every citizen of India irrespective of  religion and economic status. Today  its mining rights are awarded to a select few elite of the country who pay very low  royalties on the mined resources to the government in return.  Due to corruption a large number of the mining activities are not even registered but illegally carried .

We propose  MRCM – Mineral Royalties for Citizen and Military – Law by  which all mineral Royalties will be  distributed amongst all citizens of India and military in 60 : 30 ratio and deposited directly into citizens’ Bank accounts every month instead of being given to the government. This will address the issue of hunger and abject poverty among the poor of India  and keep illegal mining in check.

We also propose to reduce corruption in mining with Recall procedures over  concerned ministers and nodal officials and Jury courts to settle mining related disputes. Please see


EVMs can be easily manipulated by insiders handling them and VVPATs can be programmed to print wrong number of slips which can’t be seen through the dark glasses introduced on the VVPAT machines from 2017 .

While with booth capturing in Ballot paper system a few hundred votes can be changed ,  is harder to carry out and can be caught in CCTVs , lakhs and crores  of votes  can be changed by a few insiders with EVMs  and can impact election results in huge ways.

See our video demonstrating how VVPATS can be programmed to print wrong number of slips .


We propose Right to Recall Law over all Nodal level positions and ministers.

The draft we propose is different from the Right to Recall Law proposed by Anna Hazare ,AAP’s Arvind Kejriwal and BJP’s Varun Gandhi.  While they have proposed signature method , which is prone to forgery and instability , we propose an easy to implement  appearance based positive recall procedure which will not result in any instability and voter buyout.

It will help to free the good officers from having to obey their corrupt seniors and save them from  being wrongly suspended or transferred .

See our Draft for Right to Recall Law  Vs Varun Gandhi’s & Arvind Kejriwal’s flawed RTR law.

We also propose direct election and Recall for positions of PM , CM & Mayor.

More on Right To Recall Law…


All well developed and economic super power  countries of the world follow the Jury Trials system of Judiciary , in which citizen Jurors irrespective of their educational degrees or societal statuses are randomly selected from voter’s list and  called to give verdict and sentence in court cases .

The identity of jurors is not known untill the trial begins , the trial is finished within a span of  one to weeks and it is not known which juror has voted  for or against the guilty. Judges merely preside the trials , the main decision id by the citizen jurors who change for every trial.

The main advantage of Jury system is the absence of Nexus formation between the Jurors and the Criminal, as in the case of Judge system which by structure supports the formation of long term nexuses with career criminals, gangsters , corrupt politicians and police .

Moreover , the use of interview system in the final stage of appointment of Judges ensures HIGH NEPOTISM.

-only the kith and kin , friends and relatives of existing judges and lawyers get appointed as Judges.

This is the reason our country has high degree of  Crimes and Corruption. To end which we must reinstate Jury System and abolish interview system but appoint only via written exams.

Our Work

What We Do


Contest Elections at all Levels


Send written orders to PM, CMs, Minister


Advertise in Newspaper


Distribute Pamphlets


Conduct Meetings

Right to Recall  party was registered in 2018 and many members have since been regularly contesting elections at all levels- Loksabha , Vidhan Sabha and Municipal .

Our activists send  postcards  and Tweets to concerned ministers to communicate our demands alongwith advertising , distributing pamphlets and conducting meetings at local levels.


be a part of this historic movement

What you can do

The laws will come when atleast fifty crore  citizens of India demand them , and hence to do your bit you need to spread the word .


Read the Law Drafts

A  law is only as good as its draft.

Hence we request and expect you to  read all our drafts thoroughly and also drafts proposed by leaders of other parties to know the difference.



Tweet & send written orders to ministers & Officials.

It is the duty of Citizens to send instructions  and demands to respective  ministers.

When large number of people demand a change, leaders do listen !

This is also the safest on the ground way to make our demands known in written form. It is also  important  to share this activity  on social media profiles so that all people and politicians know about the activity.

Because change comes when everyone knows that everyone knows!!

Contest Elections

Our Constitution gives every citizen the right to contest elections  to bring about the change he/she desires.

Whenever one contests elections for good laws , whether one wins or not , it creates a solid alternative  voice  for laws and systems that existing political parties are unwilling to provide.

People can showcase their support for these laws by voting for such a candidate. which helps build  a pressure on existing politicians to bring the laws.

We request all those desirous of bringing these laws to come forward and contest elections at city, state or loksabha levels.

Volunteer , share the word

The laws will come only whe the majority of the nation demands them . Only when the majority citizens of India come to know of these laws , we can expect to see them getting passed.

We request you all to spread the materials and information to atleast 10 people of your contacts  and to as many as you can .

Tweets all Indian citizens should send

Important Instructions to Ministers Via Letters & Twitter 



 It’s Your Country & The Duty to Write it’s Laws  is Your Too!

The RTR movement could be called the  second freedom struggle of India. If you wish to  make it  successful, then please fill up the form below .

Join our mission.

Volunteer, Contest, Advocate.

Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: +91 8679732732